and the lock down continues. We are now almost into April 2021 and are still in lockdown. Restrictions include travel limited to 5km from home which impact on my many adventures. Unfortunately outlook is not looking great due to the high virus numbers.Currently 600+ daily cases. Government are due to update the position during the week. Might only be a few less restrictions. The vaccine rollout is progressing slowly at present. Have been doing a lot of walking with the dog and cycling around the town area.
More photos of these Castles on my Instagram and Facebook pages.
Also more information can be obtained by Google-ing the castle names.
Seatown Castle, Dundalk |
Dunmahon Castle, Heynestown, Dundalk |
Killally Famine Graveyard, Ardee Rd. Dundalk |
Cuchulainn's Castle, Dundalk |
Cuchulainn's Grave, Dundalk |
Heynestown Castle, Heynestown, Dundalk |