Unfortunately due to lots of people socialising over the Christmas 2020 period has resulted in a major increase in Covid19 transmissions and unfortunately a large number of deaths. Hospital ICU departments have reached critical levels. As a result we are now back in Level 5 lockdown. Limited travel allowed within 5km of home for exercise only. This evening (26th Jan 2021) Government have announced extending the lockdown until 5th March 2021. I think we will be lucky to get back to any type of normality by summer 2021. Hopes are that the vaccines that are coming on stream will help but different strains of the virus are now emerging and who knows where that will lead. Lots of time photographing and watching the activity of our feathered friends.
Missing my cycle touring and all the plans for 2020 and 2021. Not looking good for some more adventures to foreign parts. Hard to keep motivated while restricted to the 5km limit.